Wednesday, May 18, 2011

M-Bone Murder- Condolences and questions

I am deeply moved by M-Bone’s death day before yesterday. The Cali Swag District rapper had a bright future ahead of him and he was so young; only 22. I really want to pass on my regards and condolences to his grieving family and friends but I also want to question our society for such brazenness.

Who gives them the right to kill?

I asked my neighbor’s daughter what she thinks of the gun in the hands of teenagers like her; she replies, “Power, pride and guts”. I am saddened to think that the hip hop culture has lured our youth to think weapons of defense are symbols of strength. Yes, I may be wrong is associating this violence with the rapper as a side-effect of the pop-rap culture. But what else am I to think, looking at how most of them spend their lives behind bars?

Music to the ears should be limited to rhythms and not the sound of gut shots that destroy. It’s time we change this and change the perceptions about “Images”. If you get killed tomorrow, the images won’t stay; only the empty space will. Your story will end with you. And from where I look, I think a life is far more precious than that.

We just can not tolerate street violence and neither can we tolerate our youth straying like this. We don’t want to leave behind a generation of murderers and drug peddlers. That is not what our culture is about and that’s not what we want our children to imbibe.

We might just think it was a “celebrity” shoot-out to presume things are fine as long as we are commoners. But inch a little forward and you will realize it that the slope is deep; deep enough to hurt us and the ones we care for.

Common America, this is not who we are.

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